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Church Staff

Here to Put You on the Path of Enlightenment

Mrs. Catherine Brown

Administrative Secretary

Catherine Brown is the Office Administrator/Secretary to Pastor Betty J. Tom. She has been the Office Administrator since 1995. Cathy is married to Roscoe Brown and they are proud parents of three children: Shinolia, Candice, and Kevin. Cathy loves to cook, read, knit, and travel. One of her favorite scriptures is Psalm 23.

  Joyce Evans

Clerk of Session Elder

The clerk is responsible for the preservation of the minutes of both the session and the congregation. This means not only recording the minutes but also seeing that they are approved, signed, and placed into the official minutes book. Once each year, the minutes are to be submitted to presbytery for their review. The stated clerk of presbytery or the appropriate presbytery committee will notify the clerk of the arrangements.

 Edward Johnson

Treasurer Elder

Elder Edward Johnson has been a member of the congregation since his youth. He is a graduate of Pace University, (BBA, Accounting and Data Processing) and is Church Treasurer. He is the central contact for church finances and over-sees all aspects of church financial operations and resources. Ed has a life-long love of music styles and he and his wife Judy sing in the Chancel Choir.

Church Staff

Joseph Pombo

Webmaster Elder

Elder Pombo grew up in our church has the responsibility of our website, video editing, social media, and works with the media committee to plan and improve our site. We try to offer our members and visitors the content that will help them to share our vision of a well-balanced spiritual life. First Presbyterian Church welcomes your comments.

Moses Copeland


It’s never too early to get in touch with God. Moses Copeland is the church Custodian. He has faithfully served the Church for 11 years. Moses is a quiet man with a big heart. Moses is the proud parent of six children.

Derrick Alton

Minister of Music

Elements I contribute to my church’s services have been shaped and motivated by many factors. The first of those factors is that I am motivated by the study of God’s Word. The second motivating factor: uplifting the congregation.

Church Staff

The Session

Governing Council

The Session is the governing body of the church, made up of elders who are responsible for the spiritual path of the congregation and of discerning the will of Christ as they govern. The Session sets policy, approves baptisms and new members, oversees the financial situation, and hires ministers.


Spiritual Custodians

It’s never too early to get in touch with God. Moses Copeland is the church Custodian. He has faithfully served the Church for 11 years. Moses is a quiet man with a big heart. Moses is the proud parent of six children.



Deacons are laypeople who are responsible for caring and nurturing other members of the congregation. Each deacon is assigned a parish area and tends to the members who live there.

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